Thursday, July 12, 2007

HeartStrings Challenge - 365 Blocks

Inspired by Tresica we're going to start a HeartStrings Challenge.

The guidelines are simple and you can either play along on your own or join our Yahoo group. Membership is NOT necessary to participate.

This will be a personal challenge for those participating - no pressure - we'll work at our own pace. You can complete the challenge as quickly or as slowly as you choose.

You can count any STRING blocks you make for HeartStrings quilts in the challenge.

  1. You can send in the blocks to Sue (US) or Megan (AUS)
  2. You can use the blocks in HeartStrings quilts you make yourself
  3. You do a combination of the two above - send some in - keep some for HeartStrings quilts you make yourself
  4. You can piece tops from the blocks and ask us to find a quilter to complete and donate the finished quilt

The ONLY criteria for blocks SENT IN will be: **

  1. Blocks should be 9.5 inches on a muslin or 100% cotton foundation
  2. Have a RED or BLUE center strip cut 2 inches (1.5 inches finished) See Block Guidelines
  3. If using different color centers, blocks should be sent in sets of 24 or 48 to be used in a single quilt

** Australian blocks should have RED centers unless sending in a complete set of blocks that can be used in a single quilt.

Email me with any questions


Helen in the UK said...

Great idea for a challange. I'm sure some HeartStringers are almost there already. My personal total to date is 32 ... so I have a way to go!!!!!

Nancy E said...

Our church group, Peace by Piece Quilters has accepted your challenge.... we have completed quilts to total 176 blocks so far! (8 quilts tops), we have some 'loose blocks' that will get put into other quilts, but until we 'top' them, we aren't counting them.
Come on, who else will join us all?