Since we're going to collect some Chinese Coin sections for the months of April and May I thought I'd share how I make my sections for those quilters who haven't made these before. They're very quick and easy.
First, just to review the guidelines.
- This is a short term project just for April and May
- Sections should be 5.5 inches wide by however long you choose
- For AUS participants they should NOT be pieced on a foundation; US participants can either piece them as shown below without a foundation or may use a muslin foundation.
First I pulled out some of my short strings - these happen to be about 6-7 inches but as long as they are an inch longer than I need to trim my section I'll use them.
second, I sewed the strings into pairs

then I sewed two of these pairs together and had 4 strips, then sewed 2 of those and had 8 strips - last I added an additional pair. (As I'm sewing my pairs together, I'm careful to keep my left edge fairly even so that when I go to trim the section I won't end up with a shorter strip not being long enough to square up.)

When the section was as long as I wanted it, I ironed all the seams in one direction

and trimmed the section to 5.5 inches wide - trimming some off of each side to get straight edges on both sides of the section.

I keep my sections shorter than my ruler so I can trim them without having to scoot my ruler along the edge but other than that I don't worry about how long the sections are.
Any questions? Email me at
These sections will be mailed to Megan in AUS and to me in the US. If you are sending some in, email me for the mailing addresses.